Slot Machine Javascript Animation
I have a small assignment to create something like slot machine with spinning pictures. I have to use HTML5 Canvas. I would like to hear some opinions how this can be made simply and performantly. It depends on how realistic you want the slot machine to be. If you just want it to randomly pay out, then a simple r = rand(1,X) is fine. That's a good way to start because you can then prove that the mechanics of your game work: all the graphics and animations display correctly, the user interface controls work as expected, etc. I am new to Phaser.js and wanna create a Slot machine game with it as i requested to create the flash game in html5 canvas. After research i understand that is better to use either Pixi.js or Phaser.js framework.
I started developing another slot machine game using Phaser JS soon after I found out the performance issue with html5 / css3 / js. The game on html5 canvas performance has been far better than on html5 / css3. I have concluded for now that I would use html5 / css3 for games without necessities for intensive animations. Shuffle your elements, randomize your results or make an slide. JQuery-SlotMachine is not a simple animation plugin.
Hello friends today I'm going to share a beautiful random effect design with you. It's awesome work of css and jquery. Just try demo and I hope you will enjoy.

What's Awesome in jQuery Random Slot Machine?:
This beautiful plugin made by using CSS, jquery effects, if you take demo you can easily understand what actually I'm asking. Here is a button when you click on it, it's starting to randomize the images or text means random images or text rotate for a fix duration or infinitive and when you stop it you can see the actual real-time image at the same box. By using this script and design you can easily create own Web Cacin0 or Fun Games.
Is this code heavy script?
Slot Machine Javascript Animation Examples
Completely depends how much you customize this code as per your requirements, above design have 20 files including css, jquery, images. Size of complete script around to 550 kb.