Psychology Of Gambling Journal
Background: Gambling disorder, recognized in DSM-5 as a behavioral addiction, is associated with a range of adverse outcomes. However, there has been little research on the genetic and environmental influences on the development of this disorder. This study reports results from the largest twin study of GD conducted to date.
Journal of Gambling Studies. 2008; 24: 229-246. Grant JE, Kim SW. Demographic and clinical features of 131 adult pathological gamblers. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2001; 62: 957-962. Gambling and the older Chinese in Canada. Journal of Gambling Studies. 2006; 22: 121−141. GAMBLING PSYCHOLOGY Gambling is one of those activities where people effectively can get somethin for nothing, which is why some people will take risks. The attraction of a lottery for example is that, for a very small stake, the punter can have a life-changing experience (and things are further complicated by the fact. Most people are introduced to Gambling by playing cards with their friends and family, and its a game where a lot of laughs and feelings are shared. It is a social event, always. In a casino, you get to interact with so many people over a drink or not, that you can find the vibe very appealing.
Pathological Gambling: Etiology, Comorbidity, and Treatment examines the prevalence and consequences of problem gambling as well as approaches to treatment. In this comprehensive book, Petry clarifies the current understanding of gambling as a disorder, including its levels of intensity; possible origins in biological, neurological, developmental, and environmental spheres; and special issues surrounding populations that seem to be more susceptible to problem gambling, including youth, ethnic minorities, and those with comorbid affective disorders such as depression.
The author reviews treatments commonly used for pathological gambling as well as nonprofessionally guided interventions such as Gamblers Anonymous. Petry then presents her own brief cognitive-behavioral approach, whose success is empirically proven in the largest known study of psychosocial treatments of problem gamblers.
This book represents a review of everything currently known about problem gambling as well as promising treatment approaches, making it an invaluable, comprehensive resource for both therapists and researchers in the field of pathological gambling.
I. Foundations for Understanding
- Introduction
- Terminology, Prevalence Rates, and Types of Gambling
- Assessment
II. Etiology
- Demographic Correlates
- Comorbidity of Disordered Gambling and Other Psychiatric Disorders
- Neurobiology and Genetics
III. Research on Interventions
- Pharmacotherapies
- Recovery Without Professional Intervention
- Therapy for Families and Significant Others
- Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Treatments
- Early Behavioral Treatments
- Cognitive Biases and Cognitive Therapy
IV. A Treatment Model
- Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy
- Brief and Motivational Interventions
V. Conclusions
- Prevention: Focus on Gambling in Youth and Young Adults
- Conclusions
Appendix A
Appendix B
Psychology Of Gambling Journals
Appendix C
Appendix D
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Author
Nancy M. Petry earned a BA in 1990 from Randolph-Macon Woman's College and a PhD from Harvard University in 1994. In 1996, she joined the faculty of the University of Connecticut Health Center, where she is a professor of psychiatry.
She conducts research on the treatment of addictive disorders, ranging from substance use disorders to pathological gambling, and has published more than 80 peer-reviewed articles. Her work is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
Dr. Petry serves as a consultant and advisor for the National Institute of Health, and she is on the editorial boards of six academic journals. She received the APA Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology in 2003.
Psychology Of Gambling Journal Articles
Choice Outstanding Title!
Anyone with a serious interest in gambling will want this book in their personal library. Now and for the future, this work should remain an indispensable piece of scholarship for those working as researchers and practitioners in this field. Essential.
—CHOICE Magazine